Initialize transaction

< Go back

Store ID:
Transaction ID:
Payment method:
Transaction type:
Product number:
Customer name:
Customer surname:
Additional info:
Select your bank (Nur fur eps-Überweisung):
Return URL:
Cancel URL:
Decline URL:
Update URL:
Developer email:

Test data

Store ID: testpx
Store ID (accountNumber): 60011710
Enc. key: 8t238V799473Hn54875b
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 5476210000000009 (MasterCard)
CVC: 210
Expiry date: 02/14
Expected response: Authorize or Capture

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testpp
Payment method: PayPal
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: URL GET (Plain?!)

Account data:
Password: 351610049
Store ID: testbt
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: AUD
Implementation type: API

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 4111111111111111 (Visa)
CVC: undefined
Expiry date: MM/YY

For more info. checkout Braintree Developers Testing page

Account data:
MerchantId: xwp6c7ykv78dzfq5
PublicKey: ph7sghkfrdqw65rh
PrivateKey: 661f957328b7b2d85c7ac46a94164323
Store ID: testpk
Payment method: CreditCard
Transaction type: Authorization
Currency: BAM
Implementation type: FORM POST, API

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 4341792000000044 (Visa-3DS)
CVC: 373
Expiry date: 12/17
3d secure password: secret3

Credit card number: 5464000000000008 (Visa)
CVC: 286
Expiry date: 12/17

Credit card number: 5466100000000004
CVC: 188
Expiry date: 12/17

Credit card number: 4058400000000005
CVC: 860
Expiry date: 12/17

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testmp
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 5436618123051908
CVC2: 031
Expiry date: 01/2019
Expected response: Authorized or Captured

Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 5436618123051908
CVC2: 123
Expiry date: 03/2018
Expected response: Not Authorized or Not Captured

Payment gateway: ACTIVA_PGW
Credit card number: 5450429876543211
CVC2: 123
Expiry date: 11/2016

Credit card number: 5436618122586805
CVC2: 083
Expiry date: 11/2014
Expected response: Authorized or Captured

Credit card number: 4444333322221111
CVC2: 123
Expiry date: 06/2013
Expected response: Not Authorized or Not Captured

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testqp
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: URL POST (Backend XML POST > Frontend URL GET)

Test credit card data:
PAN: 4101311119940568
CVV2: 854
EXP: 11/14
Password: 12341234
Store ID: testnp
Payment method: CreditCard
Transaction type: Authorization
Currency: RSD
Implementation type: FORM POST, API

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 5444287397322864 (MasterCard Gold)
CVC: 00x
Expiry date: 10/17

Credit card number: 4062224200052846 (Visa Gold)
CVC: 00x
Expiry date: 10/17

Credit card number: 4183399340441747 (Visa Classic)
CVC: 00x
Expiry date: 10/17

Credit card number: 4841878737128854 (Visa Inspire)
CVC: 00x
Expiry date: 10/17

Credit card number: 377522900011006 (AMEX)
CVC: 0000
Expiry date: 08/17

Za testiranje transakcije, nedovoljno sredstava na kartici za CVC2 uneti 510

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testps
Payment method: CreditCard
Transaction type: Only Purchase is supported
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: URL GET (Hash check)

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 5204740000001002 (MasterCard)
CVC: 3 random numbers
Expiry date: Any date till 2034
Expected response: Authorize or Capture

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testpw
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: KN
Implementation type: Form POST

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 377500963281005
CVC2: 889
Expiry date: 08/2017

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: test_wp
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: CLP
Implementation type: API

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 4051885600446623 (Visa) - SUCCESS
CVC: 123

Credit card number: 5186059559590568 (MASTERCARD) - FAIL
CVC: 123

Test cards:
Credit card number: 4051885600446623 (DEBIT) - SUCCESS
Credit card number: 5186059559590568 (DEBIT) - FAIL

Account data:
MerchantId: test_pw
Store ID: testbk
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: MKD
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 4324840010003010
CVC2: 713
Expiry date: 12/2023
Expected response: Approved or Captured

Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 4324840010003010
CVC2: 123
Expiry date: 09/2024
Expected response: Not Approved or Not Captured

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: testbkgt
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: MKD
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 4324840010003010
CVC2: 713
Expiry date: 12/2023
Expected response: Approved or Captured

Payment gateway: BANKART_PGW
Credit card number: 4324840010003010
CVC2: 123
Expiry date: 09/2024
Expected response: Not Approved or Not Captured

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: ng-slo
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Payment gateway: 042FC9B5-8675-414E-88BC-1D0DF86EC3FC
Credit card number: Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 - Success
Credit card number: Visa 4242 4242 4242 4242 - Failure
Credit card number: Mastercard 5555 5555 5555 4444 - Success
Credit card number: Mastercard 5105 1051 0510 5100 - Failure
CVC2: Any
Expiry date: Any

Test service address:
Production service address:

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: paypal-test
Payment method: PayPal
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

Test PayPal account data:
For Gorenje AT:

Password: p5E5N9./
Use this credentails to log in to PayPal and make test payment.
This is newer implementation of PayPal using REST Apis.
Store ID: gorenje-at-test
Payment method: EPS
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

eps-Überweisung je plačevanje s plačilno, ne kreditno, kartico.
Ob plačilu se bremeni kupšev tekoči račun. Avstrijska posebnost je centralna institucija, ki ima sklenjene pogodbe z avstrijskimi in nemškimi bankami ter hranilnicami.

Test credit card data:
Payment gateway: 042FC9B5-8675-414E-88BC-1D0DF86EC3FC
Credit card number: Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 - Success
Credit card number: Visa 4242 4242 4242 4242 - Failure
Credit card number: Mastercard 5555 5555 5555 4444 - Success
Credit card number: Mastercard 5105 1051 0510 5100 - Failure
CVC2: Any
Expiry date: Any

Test service address:
Production service address:

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.
Store ID: nms
Store ID (accountNumber): 60011710
Enc. key: 8t238V799473Hn54875b
Payment method: CreditCard
Currency: EUR
Implementation type: Web Service

Test credit card data:
Credit card number: 5476210000000009 (MasterCard)
CVC: 210
Expiry date: 02/14
Expected response: Authorize or Capture

Use of test cards is not allowed in production environment.